Wipe that Golden Tear from your Mother Dear, and raise whats left of the flag for me - Floggin' Molly


Bio: I am PyroAmos... I have played MMOs since I was in my early teens, mostly lineage. I currently work in the US Navy which pulls me away from gaming occassionally but, I always come back. Over time I have played many games, although at the moment I'm not very hardcore in any of them, just kinda chilling enjoying life away from the modem a little more.

I also enjoy some light programming/web development, everything on this site with a couple exceptions was hand coded by myself. I have taught myself HTML, some light CSS, PhP and MySQL to bring this all together... I havn't ventured into JAVAScript though... the little bit of it you see on this site was done for my by friends. Regardless, maintaining and updating this site has been a decent amount of fun.

Alrighty, so... thats about it I supose about me. If you want to contact me you can E-Mail Me at pyroamos@yahoo.com.

Heres some SS of the various PyroAmos in diferant MMOs over time...

Here is a couple pictures of me... maybe you'll recognize me somewhere, I make my way around the US and various forigne ports of call in the pacific and atlantic oceans.